Labour Law Introduction – 101
Module A1 – Labour Law Fundamentals
The various sources of Labour Law such as:
- The Constitution (Basic Overview).
- The Labour Relations Act (Basic Overview).
- The Basic Conditions Of Employment Act (Basic Overview).
- The Employment Equity Act (Basic Overview).
- The Skills Development Act (Basic Overview).
- The Occupational Health & Safety Act.
The legal route that labour law disputes can take.
The fundamental basics of labour law such as:
- The Burden of Proof
- Types of Hearings
- Types of Dismissal
- Fairness
Module C1 – Basic Overview of Misconduct
- What is Misconduct.
- The Investigation (Brief Overview).
- Suspension (Brief Overview + Example).
- Misconduct Charges (Brief Overview + Example).
- What is a Misconduct Inquiry.
- Possible Inquiry Outcomes.
- Progressive Discipline (Brief Overview + Examples).
- Identifying 10 Common Types Of Misconduct Discussed
Module D1 – Poor Work Performance
- What is Poor Work Performance.
- Difference - Poor Work Performance vs Negligence
- Common Causes of Poor Work Performance
- What is a PIP
Module E1 – Incapacity For Ill Health and Injury
- What is incapacity for ill health or injury?
- Important aspects of incapacity for ill health or injury.
- The incapacity for ill health or injury procedure:
- Procedure for Temporary & Permanent Incapacity:
- The Incapacity Investigation:
- What is a valid medical certificate:
Module F1 – The Grievance Procedure
- What is a Grievance Procedure:
- Lodging a Grievance:
- The Informal Procedure:
- The Formal Procedure:
- Formal Grievance Procedure Diagram
Module G1 – Short Time and Retrenchment
- Short time.
- Retrenchment.
Module M1 – First Contact – CCMA & Bargaining Councils
- Referral of Dispute to the CCMA (7:11 Form)
- Notice of Setdown
- Conciliation Certificate (7:12 Form)
- Request for Arbitration (7:`13 Form)
- Subpoena (7:16 Form)
- Request for Retrenchment Facilitation (7:20)