Introduction to Python (55284AC)
- Learnfast is a Microsoft Silver Learning Partner. This is an authorised Microsoft Official Course (MOC).
Module 1: Python Basics
This module explains how to get started using Python.
- Getting Familiar with the Terminal
- Running Python
- Running a Python File
- Literals
- Variables
- Constants and Deleting Variables
- Writing a Python Module
- print() Function
- Collecting User Input
- Reading from and Writing to Files
Module 2: Functions and Modules
You have seen some of Python’s built-in functions. In this lesson, you will learn to write your own.
- Defining Functions
- Variable Scope
- Global Variables
- Function Parameters
- Returning Values
- Returning Values
- Importing Modules
- Methods vs. Functions
Module 3: Math
Python includes some built-in math functions and some additional built-in libraries that provide extended math (and related) functionality. In this lesson, we’ll cover the built-in functions and the math and random libraries.
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Precedence of Operations
- Built-in Math Functions
- The math Module
- The random Module
Module 4: Python Strings
This module explains how to work with Python Strings.
- Quotation Marks and Special Characters
- String Indexing · Slicing Strings
- Concatenation and Repetition
- Combining Concatenation and Repetition
- Python Strings are Immutable
- Common String Methods
- String Formatting
- Formatted String Literals (f-strings) (introduced in Python 3.6)
- Built-in String Functions
Module 5: Iterables: Sequences, Dictionaries, and Sets
Iterables are objects that can return their members one at a time. The iterables we will cover in this lesson are lists, tuples, ranges, dictionaries, and sets.
- Definitions · Sequences
- Lists
- Sequences and Random
- Tuples
- Ranges
- Converting Sequences to Lists
- Indexing
- Slicing
- min(), max(), and sum()
- Converting between Sequences and Strings
- Unpacking Sequences
- Dictionaries
- The len() Function
- Sets
- *args and **kwargs
Module 6: Virtual Environments
A virtual environment provides a self-contained directory tree with its own Python installation and additional packages necessary for the project(s) being done in that environment. As such, scripts can be run in a virtual environment that have dependencies that are different from those in other development projects that may be running in the standard environment or in separate virtual.
- Packages with pip
Module 7: Flow Control
This module explains how to change the flow by using conditional statements and loops.
- Conditional Statements
- Compound Conditions
- The is and is not Operators
- all() and any() and the Ternary Operator
- In Between
- Loops in Python
- break and continue
- Looping through Lines in a File
- The else Clause in Loops
- The enumerate() Function
- Generators
- List Comprehensions
Module 8: Exception Handling
This module explains how to anticipate and handle exceptions gracefully.
- Exception Basics
- Generic Exceptions
- The else and finally Clauses
- Using Exceptions for Flow Control
- Raising Your Own Exceptions
Module 9: Python Dates and Times
This module explains how to use Python’s built-in modules to work with dates and times.
- Understanding Time
- The time Module
- Time Structures
- Times as Strings
- Time and Formatted Strings
- Pausing Execution with time.sleep()
- The datetime Module
- datetime.datetime Objects
- datetime.timedelta Objects
Module 10: File Processing
This module explains how to process files.
- Opening Files
- Writing to Files
- The os Module
- os.walk()
- The os.path Module
- A Better Way to Open Files
Module 11: PEP8 and Pylint
This module explains how to use the official Python style guide.
- PEP8
- Pylint